

0   Joined April 1st, 2008
12 Instructables   1,217,028 Views   110 Comments   93 Followers

computergeek's Instructables

DIY Apple Remote (Slideshow for the Instructable)

DIY Apple Remote (Slideshow for the Instructable)

DIY Apple Remote Shield for the Arduino

DIY Apple Remote Shield for the Arduino

Simple 2-way Motor Control for the Arduino

Simple 2-way Motor Control for the Arduino

Controlling an Arduino With Cocoa (Mac OS X) or C# (Windows)

Controlling an Arduino With Cocoa (Mac OS X) or C# (Windows)

Arduino EMF (Electromagnetic Field) Detector

Arduino EMF (Electromagnetic Field) Detector

Charlieplexed Row of LED Lights, for the Arduino

Charlieplexed Row of LED Lights, for the Arduino

Rubber-Band Powered Bug Video

Rubber-Band Powered Bug Video

Rubber-Band Powered Altoids Boat Video

Rubber-Band Powered Altoids Boat Video

Rubber-Band Powered Bug

Rubber-Band Powered Bug

Rubber-Band Powered Altoids Boat

Rubber-Band Powered Altoids Boat

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