

New York   Joined November 14th, 2013
5 Instructables   208,451 Views   26 Comments   145 Followers

Software engineer at Twitter, based in NYC. Member of NYC Resistor. I do stuff with Arduino, musical programming, and lasers. See more of my projects at

bonniee's Instructables

Internet of Dirt: a Texting Plant

Internet of Dirt: a Texting Plant

Illumaphone: Light-based Musical Instrument With Arduino

Illumaphone: Light-based Musical Instrument With Arduino

Caramelize Sugar Onto Chocolate With a Laser Cutter

Caramelize Sugar Onto Chocolate With a Laser Cutter

Mug Music: Turn Water Into an Instrument With Arduino and ChucK

Mug Music: Turn Water Into an Instrument With Arduino and ChucK

Piano Stairs With Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Piano Stairs With Arduino and Raspberry Pi

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