

0   Joined January 2nd, 2014
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Ashley hails from beautiful, sunny, Idaho--what am I saying? Ashley is actually a potato that has experienced intense genetic modificaiton. Idaho does not exist. I.D.A.H.O. is actually a top secret government institutuion standing for the International Department of Adult Human Organisms, in which they take the lands abundant potato resources and infiltrate the world. Ashley only recently became self aware of her potato origins, as if taking a potato to prom while wearing a potato skin dress w…

ash_doge's Instructables

Delicious Pickled Beets

Delicious Pickled Beets

How to Remove Battery Acid

How to Remove Battery Acid

Bandaged Rubik's Cube

Bandaged Rubik's Cube

DIY Button Repair

DIY Button Repair

Make a Cheese Cave From a Mini Fridge!

Make a Cheese Cave From a Mini Fridge!

Origami Firework - Yami Yamauchi

Origami Firework - Yami Yamauchi

Attach a Patch

Attach a Patch

Cheese Press

Cheese Press

Decorative Bread

Decorative Bread

$3 Fridge Shelf

$3 Fridge Shelf

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