

Germany   Joined April 5th, 2011
5 Instructables   754,190 Views   125 Comments   477 Followers

araymbox's Instructables

PiNAS - the Raspberry Pi NAS

PiNAS - the Raspberry Pi NAS

GamePi Zero - the Favorable Emulation Station

GamePi Zero - the Favorable Emulation Station

Steampunk Wine-Boom-Box

Steampunk Wine-Boom-Box

GamePi XS - the Plug'n'Play Emulation Station

GamePi XS - the Plug'n'Play Emulation Station

GamePi - the Handheld Emulator Console

GamePi - the Handheld Emulator Console

View all Instructables


100+ Comments

Earned a bronze medal

10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

1+ Featured Instructable

Earned a bronze medal

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Raspberry Pi Contest 2020

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Pocket-Sized Contest

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Microcontroller Contest