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13 Instructables   20,132 Views   35 Comments   17 Followers

alfon1917's Instructables

Walnut and Raspberry Extravaganza for Pi Day

Walnut and Raspberry Extravaganza for Pi Day

Ouzomezes Tou Teli

Ouzomezes Tou Teli

Pougia Me Melitzanes Kai Arnaki - Greek Style Eggplant and Lamb Meat Pouches

Pougia Me Melitzanes Kai Arnaki - Greek Style Eggplant and Lamb Meat Pouches

Spetzofai: Food of the Centaurs

Spetzofai: Food of the Centaurs

Helen's Salad: Pesto Alla Genovese, Improved

Helen's Salad: Pesto Alla Genovese, Improved

Improved Poor Man's Milling Machine for Wood (for Wooden USB Sticks, Bookmarks and Other Unbelievably Cool Stuff)

Improved Poor Man's Milling Machine for Wood (for Wooden USB Sticks, Bookmarks and Other Unbelievably Cool Stuff)

A Simpler Sliding Bevel for Woodworking

A Simpler Sliding Bevel for Woodworking

Best 1-minute Potato Recipe Ever

Best 1-minute Potato Recipe Ever

Potato Salad With Tuna and Eggs

Potato Salad With Tuna and Eggs

Poor Man's Milling Machine for Wood (for Making Cat Doors, Sliding Bevels and Other Cool Stuff).

Poor Man's Milling Machine for Wood (for Making Cat Doors, Sliding Bevels and Other Cool Stuff).

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Earned a bronze medal

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