

Oregon   Joined March 7th, 2021
12 Instructables   18,306 Views   3 Comments   18 Followers

Zanthera's Instructables

Rotating Book Shelf End Table

Rotating Book Shelf End Table

Roman Dodecahedron Curiosity

Roman Dodecahedron Curiosity

Customizable Plywood and Acrylic Hinged Lamp

Customizable Plywood and Acrylic Hinged Lamp

Carousel Accessory Trays

Carousel Accessory Trays

Rube Cube

Rube Cube

Han Solo Lucky Dice

Han Solo Lucky Dice

Custom Cork Magnets

Custom Cork Magnets

Coffee Canister

Coffee Canister

One Sheet Plywood Desk and Stool

One Sheet Plywood Desk and Stool

Wine Box Box

Wine Box Box

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