

Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada   Joined July 23rd, 2014
66 Instructables   509,016 Views   39 Comments   410 Followers

YuKonstruct is a non-profit society which provides an enthusiastic community of makers and entrepreneurs affordable access to space, equipment and knowledge. This community serves to embrace the individual and the business to support innovation, provide a place for tinkering, prototyping and manufacturing, and offer opportunities for learning and growth. OUR MISSION Providing access to shared space, quality tools, available expertise, and a collaborative environment to help makers build anythi…

YuKonstruct's Instructables

How to Make a Nest Box for Birds

How to Make a Nest Box for Birds

Creative Reuse Projects

Creative Reuse Projects

YuKonstruct's Favourite Fixes

YuKonstruct's Favourite Fixes

Cosplay Repair Station

Cosplay Repair Station

2017 Makerspace Contest Entries

2017 Makerspace Contest Entries

Operation Valentine's Day Game

Operation Valentine's Day Game

Camping and the Great Outdoors

Camping and the Great Outdoors

Vehicle Projects

Vehicle Projects

Life Hacks

Life Hacks

Sewing, Fabric and Textile Projects

Sewing, Fabric and Textile Projects

View all Instructables