

Swindon, UK   Joined August 8th, 2016
12 Instructables   113,054 Views   147 Comments   92 Followers

IT Manager and CAD Designer with a keen interest in technology for the visually impaired.

Wingletang's Instructables

Genaille's Rods

Genaille's Rods

'Mini Mansion' - Visualisation Aid for the Blind

'Mini Mansion' - Visualisation Aid for the Blind

Talking Washing Machine Interface for the Blind AKA 'SOAP'

Talking Washing Machine Interface for the Blind AKA 'SOAP'

'Enterprising' Magnifying Lamp Upgrade

'Enterprising' Magnifying Lamp Upgrade

Small Component Storage From Ariel 3 in 1 Wash Pods Box

Small Component Storage From Ariel 3 in 1 Wash Pods Box

Cheap and Easy Scribbling Pads

Cheap and Easy Scribbling Pads

AutoCAD MacroMitt

AutoCAD MacroMitt

Desk Calendar Cubed

Desk Calendar Cubed

3D Printed Stand for a Moon Lamp

3D Printed Stand for a Moon Lamp

Trash to Treasure Chest!

Trash to Treasure Chest!

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