

Ireland   Joined March 9th, 2014
14 Instructables   218,102 Views   134 Comments   277 Followers

Friendship is like a mirror, it gives you back what you are. You make a friend by being one.

VentureScout's Instructables

Hangboard Stand (No Holes in Wall)

Hangboard Stand (No Holes in Wall)

3 Part Coffee Machine

3 Part Coffee Machine

Emergancy Morse Code Transmitter

Emergancy Morse Code Transmitter

The Irish Lashing

The Irish Lashing

Figure of 8 Lashing (Tripod Lashing)

Figure of 8 Lashing (Tripod Lashing)

Traditional Irish Brown Bread

Traditional Irish Brown Bread

Packable Hammock

Packable Hammock

Colouring Pencil Woggle (Neckerchief Slide)

Colouring Pencil Woggle (Neckerchief Slide)

Rope Ladder

Rope Ladder

Pit Oven

Pit Oven

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