

0   Joined July 24th, 2013
6 Instructables   52,581 Views   7 Comments   27 Followers

I'm a mechanical engineering student and a long-time tinkerer and maker. I've been working with 3D printers since 2012 and have been dabbling in various crafts for most of my life. I have at least some experience in casting, woodwork, welding, sewing, embroidery, and model making. Outside of making I enjoy hiking, biking, running, and coffee.

Tuloom's Instructables

Carving in Texture to 3D Prints

Carving in Texture to 3D Prints

Resin Printing Earrings

Resin Printing Earrings

Coffee Earrings (Made From Used Coffee Grounds)

Coffee Earrings (Made From Used Coffee Grounds)



Brain Scramble (Cake Scramble)

Brain Scramble (Cake Scramble)

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