

Rome   Joined December 14th, 2015
6 Instructables   1,017,403 Views   74 Comments   217 Followers

A Researcher, an Engineer and an electronics enthusiast

TheElectromania's Instructables

Quick Digital Thermometer Using Cheap USB to TTL Converter and  DS18B20 - WITHOUT Arduino or Raspberry Pi

Quick Digital Thermometer Using Cheap USB to TTL Converter and DS18B20 - WITHOUT Arduino or Raspberry Pi

Digital Thermometer on OLED Display Using ESP8266 ESP-12E NodeMCU and DS18B20 Temperature Sensor

Digital Thermometer on OLED Display Using ESP8266 ESP-12E NodeMCU and DS18B20 Temperature Sensor

PIR Motion Detector With Arduino: Operated at Lowest Power Consumption Mode

PIR Motion Detector With Arduino: Operated at Lowest Power Consumption Mode

Programming ESP8266 ESP-12E NodeMCU Using Arduino IDE - a Tutorial

Programming ESP8266 ESP-12E NodeMCU Using Arduino IDE - a Tutorial

Fan RPM With Internal Hall Effect Sensor and Arduino (Intro to Hardware Interrupt and LCD Display)

Fan RPM With Internal Hall Effect Sensor and Arduino (Intro to Hardware Interrupt and LCD Display)

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