The Real Elliot

The Real Elliot

Munich, Germany   Joined August 12th, 2006
7 Instructables   2,516,437 Views   249 Comments   218 Followers

The Real Elliot's Instructables

Clean and Grease Your Skateboard Bearings

Clean and Grease Your Skateboard Bearings

Quickie PCB Production (with Bonus NiCd Battery Charger)

Quickie PCB Production (with Bonus NiCd Battery Charger)

Stop Using Ferric Chloride Etchant!  (A Better Etching Solution.)

Stop Using Ferric Chloride Etchant! (A Better Etching Solution.)

Ghetto Development Environment

Ghetto Development Environment

Drive a Stepper Motor With an AVR Microprocessor

Drive a Stepper Motor With an AVR Microprocessor

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