

Canada   Joined April 1st, 2013
14 Instructables   1,044,692 Views   1,373 Comments   426 Followers

Just getting into the microcontroller craze. I used to do this sort of thing building circuits for 8 bit microprocessors back in the early 80s, so this is kind of like reliving a bit of my childhood. Back then I programmed in machine code, so now I am teaching myself C for the Arduino. It's a fun way to waste some time, and it's nice to have a hobby. More recently now, I am getting into printed circuit board design so that I can take what I make with the Arduino, and make stand-alone circuits. …

SuperTech-IT's Instructables

8X8X8 3D RGB LED Cube

8X8X8 3D RGB LED Cube

CHR's 8X8X8 LED Cube Revisited With Improvements!

CHR's 8X8X8 LED Cube Revisited With Improvements!

Arduino 8 A.C. Outlet (plug) Timer / Vampire Killer

Arduino 8 A.C. Outlet (plug) Timer / Vampire Killer

Father's Day "Pong Clock"

Father's Day "Pong Clock"

THE Simplest IPod / IPad / IPhone Charger Circuit

THE Simplest IPod / IPad / IPhone Charger Circuit

How to Make a Capacitive Touch Pad.

How to Make a Capacitive Touch Pad.

One Part $1 Computer Security Power Lockout

One Part $1 Computer Security Power Lockout

2 Cent TTL Level Shifter - Connect a 3.3V Pi to 5V TTL Serial Device or Arduino and More...

2 Cent TTL Level Shifter - Connect a 3.3V Pi to 5V TTL Serial Device or Arduino and More...

How Do I Power My Finished Circuit? Here's the Fix! Just Plug It in !!

How Do I Power My Finished Circuit? Here's the Fix! Just Plug It in !!

Microscope for Tiny Soldering in ONE STEP.

Microscope for Tiny Soldering in ONE STEP.

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