

0   Joined May 8th, 2015
4 Instructables   29,983 Views   5 Comments   28 Followers

I tinker and build things at random or if a need arises. Prefer metal working and dabble in woods only if its used for building something structural. I know a fair amount of home repair stuff (installing new light fixtures/fans/outlets, plumbing, drywall) and love tinkering on cars (electrical, mechanical, upgrades/addons).

Sparky_911's Instructables

Sparkys Gear Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse

Sparkys Gear Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse

Toolbox Into Chainsaw Case

Toolbox Into Chainsaw Case

Cylinder/bottle Rack

Cylinder/bottle Rack

Window Grates (Automotive)

Window Grates (Automotive)

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