

Rural Australia   Joined June 15th, 2011
4 Instructables   93,427 Views   24 Comments   48 Followers

From time to time one of my many projects will reach some state of completion. A smaller proportion of those have a mostly linear method that I can trace back to a purpose. Of those, some I document, and end up here.

Sir__Walter's Instructables

Convert Your Jigsaw Into a Scrollsaw

Convert Your Jigsaw Into a Scrollsaw

Chladni Plate - Visualize Resonance!

Chladni Plate - Visualize Resonance!

Make a Red Head-torch for Astronomy - Under $10

Make a Red Head-torch for Astronomy - Under $10

Fun Sonic Grenade - Annoy Your Friends!

Fun Sonic Grenade - Annoy Your Friends!

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