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17 Instructables   217,722 Views   87 Comments   132 Followers

Samartist's Instructables

6502 Microprocessor Based Homemade Single Board Computer

6502 Microprocessor Based Homemade Single Board Computer

2-Bit Arithmetic and Logic Unit

2-Bit Arithmetic and Logic Unit

Handheld Gameboy - Using Arduino (with Snake Game)

Handheld Gameboy - Using Arduino (with Snake Game)

Clap Switch

Clap Switch

TV Game Console by Arduino

TV Game Console by Arduino

Sunshine Alarm Using LM555 and LM358

Sunshine Alarm Using LM555 and LM358

Simplest Light-Source Follower Robot

Simplest Light-Source Follower Robot

Dustbin - Weighing Machine

Dustbin - Weighing Machine

Automatic Water-Tank Motor Controller

Automatic Water-Tank Motor Controller

555 Pocket Keyboard

555 Pocket Keyboard

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