

Columbus, GA   Joined September 20th, 2013
9 Instructables   364,769 Views   56 Comments   194 Followers

We love to tinker. There is nothing that we can't do if it involves Arduino. Challenge us: Do you have an idea for something you would like to have but don't know how to make it? Submit us your idea & if you're selected, we might make you one...

ST-Geotronics's Instructables

Open Antikythera Build: Hacking the Dials of Destiny

Open Antikythera Build: Hacking the Dials of Destiny

Open Grow Light

Open Grow Light

Programming the Open DSKY

Programming the Open DSKY

Open Apollo Guidance Computer DSKY

Open Apollo Guidance Computer DSKY

The Twins Electronic Game

The Twins Electronic Game

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