

0   Joined March 29th, 2007
61 Instructables   853,329 Views   427 Comments   156 Followers

I'm cheap and like to use what I have on hand and I really enjoy taking things apart to salvage parts. Rather than be a precise engineering type of person, I'm more of an enthusiastic tinkerer. Making things is how I relieve stress and feel more balanced. My projects range from boring practical applications to artistic/crafty flights of fancy.

RadBear's Instructables

Cost Effective Stop the Bleed Training Aids

Cost Effective Stop the Bleed Training Aids

Growler Transport Rack (Bill's Cradle)

Growler Transport Rack (Bill's Cradle)

Add Magnetic Catches to Your Drying Rack

Add Magnetic Catches to Your Drying Rack

Cork Squid Totem

Cork Squid Totem

Bar Flies - Cork Figures

Bar Flies - Cork Figures

Cat Sequoia

Cat Sequoia

Big Screen Cattery

Big Screen Cattery

Adding Traction to Boots

Adding Traction to Boots

Wheels for a Civil Defense Stretcher

Wheels for a Civil Defense Stretcher

Cup Holder Adpater

Cup Holder Adpater

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