Preston Makes

Preston Makes

Las Vegas, Nevada   Joined July 25th, 2019
6 Instructables   18,165 Views   5 Comments   15 Followers

Preston Makes's Instructables

Making a Goblet of Fire From Harry Potter From Egg Shells

Making a Goblet of Fire From Harry Potter From Egg Shells

Giving Copper Coins a Brass Layer

Giving Copper Coins a Brass Layer

Extracting Anthocyanin: a Natural PH Indicator

Extracting Anthocyanin: a Natural PH Indicator

Extracting Limonene From Backyard Citrus Fruit

Extracting Limonene From Backyard Citrus Fruit

Extracting Rosemary With Hydro-Distillation

Extracting Rosemary With Hydro-Distillation

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10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

1+ Featured Instructable

Earned a bronze medal

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Growing Beyond Earth Maker Contest