

0   Joined June 30th, 2011
16 Instructables   1,712,271 Views   36 Comments   132 Followers

I love cooking and crafting, sometimes both at the same time... and that is when things get interesting (and messy)

PixyMcCrafty's Instructables

Relleno Casero Para Tartas De Manzana (una Receta De Conservas)

Relleno Casero Para Tartas De Manzana (una Receta De Conservas)

Quick Infant Mittens

Quick Infant Mittens

Apple Pie Filling (canning Recipe)

Apple Pie Filling (canning Recipe)

Reusable Baby Wipes From Recycled T-shirts

Reusable Baby Wipes From Recycled T-shirts

Pumpkin Biscotti & Treat Cone

Pumpkin Biscotti & Treat Cone

Easy Cheesy Garlic Bread

Easy Cheesy Garlic Bread

Crock-pot Chicken Cacciatore

Crock-pot Chicken Cacciatore

Pumpkin Muffins

Pumpkin Muffins

Pocket Emergency Infant Changing Kit

Pocket Emergency Infant Changing Kit

Fruit Salad Froggie

Fruit Salad Froggie

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