

0   Joined December 30th, 2014
4 Instructables   551,015 Views   3 Comments   113 Followers

Mission Statement There are two major problems with learning about technology for free on the web today. The first is that there is simply so much material that it can be difficult to narrow down and find what is needed. The second is that on many forums and blogs directions are not clear or incomplete. The goal of T4N is to have readers learn by providing clear easy to understand directions in an organized format. The secondary goal of this website is to provide readers with unbiased produc…

NoobT's Instructables

Make Any Dumb TV a Smart TV

Make Any Dumb TV a Smart TV

Create a Computer Inside Your Computer

Create a Computer Inside Your Computer

Easy Project - Control an LED Light With Python Using a Raspberry Pi

Easy Project - Control an LED Light With Python Using a Raspberry Pi

Breathe New Life Into an Old Computer

Breathe New Life Into an Old Computer

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