

0   Joined June 3rd, 2014
51 Instructables   2,574,955 Views   366 Comments   2,036 Followers

Hi, my name is Nikodem Bartnik. I'm 19 years old. I am into designing, making, programming and electronics. In the future, I want to start a company and make my own products. As for now, you can find my work on Instructables and YouTube

Nikus's Instructables

DIY Arduino Based EggBot

DIY Arduino Based EggBot

DIY Wooden Bluetooth Speaker

DIY Wooden Bluetooth Speaker

SMD Components Organizer

SMD Components Organizer

DIY $150 Electric Longboard

DIY $150 Electric Longboard

3D Printed Vacuum Cleaner for a CNC Machine

3D Printed Vacuum Cleaner for a CNC Machine

DIY 3D Printed Dremel CNC

DIY 3D Printed Dremel CNC

3D Printed Snowmobile

3D Printed Snowmobile

3D Printed $15 Camera Slider

3D Printed $15 Camera Slider

Brushless Motor Thrust Stand

Brushless Motor Thrust Stand

How to Troubleshoot a PCB Design?

How to Troubleshoot a PCB Design?

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