

0   Joined May 28th, 2017
11 Instructables   74,120 Views   25 Comments   44 Followers

Seafarer by profession, When in land I do projects for fun, always curious to learn!

NikilH's Instructables

Lion King - Light Shadow Box

Lion King - Light Shadow Box

[Updated]Floating Lunar Lamp

[Updated]Floating Lunar Lamp

Poor Man's Buffing Wheel

Poor Man's Buffing Wheel

Antislip Using Rubber Bands

Antislip Using Rubber Bands

Cleaning and Reviving My Office Chair

Cleaning and Reviving My Office Chair

Retro Faux Neon - Valentine Signage

Retro Faux Neon - Valentine Signage

3D Printed Pot Using TinkerCad

3D Printed Pot Using TinkerCad

Aroma Oil Burner From Soda Can

Aroma Oil Burner From Soda Can

DIY : Novelty Bamboo Floor Lamp

DIY : Novelty Bamboo Floor Lamp

Smart Internet Radio Based on the Intel Edison!

Smart Internet Radio Based on the Intel Edison!

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