

0   Joined April 2nd, 2018
11 Instructables   90,925 Views   9 Comments   27 Followers

I am an electronics engineer as well as a hobbyist in many other areas. My Instructables are based on engineering and electronics. I also like to do DIY projects involving other disciplines such as audio.

Nawielectron's Instructables

Black Walnut 2.1 Speakers

Black Walnut 2.1 Speakers

Intro to IR Circuits

Intro to IR Circuits

DIY Stereo Plywood Speakers

DIY Stereo Plywood Speakers

Object Counter Using IR

Object Counter Using IR

Quad Speaker Synthesizer

Quad Speaker Synthesizer

74HC393 Binary Counter

74HC393 Binary Counter

Frequency Changing Speaker With 555timer

Frequency Changing Speaker With 555timer

Make Logic Gates in Excel

Make Logic Gates in Excel

Fade LED With 555timer

Fade LED With 555timer

Alternating LED With 555 Timer

Alternating LED With 555 Timer

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