

Scotland   Joined March 5th, 2009
7 Instructables   374,680 Views   24 Comments   108 Followers

I'm a lot of a philosopher, a good deal of a musician, a fair bit of a geek, a bit hippie, and in my free time I like to build stuff. I like to think that I have enough good taste and imagination to come up with interesting projects, and enough skill to execute them. I build stuff when I need it, so mainly when I move home ;)

Natasz's Instructables

Wooden Bondage Suspension Frame

Wooden Bondage Suspension Frame

A 6-poster Poly Bed

A 6-poster Poly Bed

Stylish and Easy to Make Corner Bookshelf

Stylish and Easy to Make Corner Bookshelf

Simple But Unusual Modern Picture Frame

Simple But Unusual Modern Picture Frame

Fancy and Functional Desk With an In-built PC

Fancy and Functional Desk With an In-built PC

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