Modern Rustic Workshop

Modern Rustic Workshop

0   Joined December 29th, 2015
21 Instructables   244,600 Views   613 Comments   184 Followers

I am Brandon, a college student who loves making! I hope to eventually turn my passion into my career by innovating new technologies to fuel the maker movement in America, and bringing large scale manufacturing techniques into home workshops at an affordable price. Until then, I will continue prototyping and building, and bringing the projects I create to the wonderful Instructables community!

Modern Rustic Workshop's Instructables

Zero Gravity Gardening Concept for Deep Space Travel

Zero Gravity Gardening Concept for Deep Space Travel

Flat Pack Solar Oven (200°+)

Flat Pack Solar Oven (200°+)

Book Diorama Made From a Book

Book Diorama Made From a Book

Hand Sculpted 3D Settlers of Catan Tiles & Hand Crafted Box

Hand Sculpted 3D Settlers of Catan Tiles & Hand Crafted Box

DIY Carving Knifes From Hacksaw Blades + Custom Box

DIY Carving Knifes From Hacksaw Blades + Custom Box

Firecracker Pots - Exploded Clay

Firecracker Pots - Exploded Clay

Micro Test Tube Dioramas (Smaller Than a Penny)

Micro Test Tube Dioramas (Smaller Than a Penny)

Acid Blackened Custom Hunting Knife

Acid Blackened Custom Hunting Knife

Remote Controlled Mars Rover W/ Android App

Remote Controlled Mars Rover W/ Android App

 Deadpool Dual Wield Nerf Pistols Nerf Modification

Deadpool Dual Wield Nerf Pistols Nerf Modification

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