Minnear Knives

Minnear Knives

New Zealand   Joined August 27th, 2016
5 Instructables   377,282 Views   76 Comments   145 Followers

Minnear Knives's Instructables

Building a Soil Sifter / Rotary Trommel

Building a Soil Sifter / Rotary Trommel

Knife Forged From Bicycle Spokes - a Truly Bespoke Knife!

Knife Forged From Bicycle Spokes - a Truly Bespoke Knife!

Making an Exposed Aggregate Concrete Path

Making an Exposed Aggregate Concrete Path

LED Kitchen Lighting Rig

LED Kitchen Lighting Rig

Forged Damascus Chain Knife - Drop Point Hunter

Forged Damascus Chain Knife - Drop Point Hunter

View all Instructables


10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

1+ Featured Instructable

Earned a bronze medal

Contest Winner

Judges Prize in the Reuse Contest

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Metal Contest

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Stone Concrete and Cement Contest

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Wood Contest 2016

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Lamps and Lighting Contest 2016

Contest Winner

Third Prize in the Outside Contest 2016

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the Metal Contest 2016