

Germany   Joined December 29th, 2007
15 Instructables   383,473 Views   232 Comments   105 Followers

I rather like "to make" than "to consume". I've been programming for iOs for a while just to see if I can. I love making cases and pouches for my gadgets, but currently it seems I'm running out of projects. But I will post as soon as something worthy comes up (well maybe my latest android tablet pouch or my diy skipclip to unlock my phone would be worthy, but I didn't get to it).

Mike73's Instructables

Fake Halloween Tombstones

Fake Halloween Tombstones

Kids Room Remodel

Kids Room Remodel

My First Own IOS App - Gas by Numbers - a Gas Mileage Calculator

My First Own IOS App - Gas by Numbers - a Gas Mileage Calculator

Ignition Free Electric Windows on Smart Car (Smart 451)

Ignition Free Electric Windows on Smart Car (Smart 451)

Mailmate Shredder - Replace the Internal Fuse With a Circuit Breaker

Mailmate Shredder - Replace the Internal Fuse With a Circuit Breaker

Easter Eggs Coloring Fun

Easter Eggs Coloring Fun

Make a Tile Replacement

Make a Tile Replacement

Home Cinema Furniture You Cannot Buy Anywhere (HCfycba)

Home Cinema Furniture You Cannot Buy Anywhere (HCfycba)

My Workplaces

My Workplaces

Cheap and Easy IPod (or Gadget) Car Mount

Cheap and Easy IPod (or Gadget) Car Mount

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