Mike Begley

Mike Begley

Seattle   Joined January 20th, 2006
3 Instructables   144,080 Views   13 Comments   33 Followers

Hi! I'm a general-purpose maker geek, living in Seattle. Interests include beer brewing, robotics and woodworking. I like to go camping in the desert. I enjoy hiking to hot springs. I'm learning how to sail. Rock climbing or paragliding is next, depending on which crowd drags me into it. I go to Burning Man. No, I'm not jaded about it, yet. We raise chickens, and we are owned by three cats. I run a small on-line retail company selling electroluminescent "glow" wire. Check it out, yo: http…

Mike Begley's Instructables

Track Your Car With an Arduino-based Lojack

Track Your Car With an Arduino-based Lojack

Spinning EL Wire Techno Vortex Thingee

Spinning EL Wire Techno Vortex Thingee

Easy Wall Mounted Storage Bins for Hardware Parts

Easy Wall Mounted Storage Bins for Hardware Parts

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