

Missoula, MT   Joined February 11th, 2021
8 Instructables   78,415 Views   40 Comments   70 Followers

Passionate about a lot of things but especially making, tinkering, science and the outdoors. I love to learn about things by taking them apart. Bikes and astronomy are also some keen areas of interest in which I do some dabbling with design, building and tinkering. I love crusty old tools just as much as I love science education. This is my personal Instructables account, for my professional informal education Instructables channel with all sorts of 'ibles about STEAM activities, see posts over…

MechaNickW's Instructables

Refurbishing a 6" F/5 Homemade Jaegers Refractor Telescope and Case

Refurbishing a 6" F/5 Homemade Jaegers Refractor Telescope and Case

Turn an Industrial Whisk Into a Lamp

Turn an Industrial Whisk Into a Lamp

Reclaimed Wood and Structural Pipe Full Wall Bookshelves

Reclaimed Wood and Structural Pipe Full Wall Bookshelves

Lathe Parting Tool From Old Circular Saw Blade

Lathe Parting Tool From Old Circular Saw Blade

Chimney Insert Replacement Clock

Chimney Insert Replacement Clock

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