

Paris France   Joined March 17th, 2013
17 Instructables   67,736 Views   33 Comments   53 Followers

I build thing for fun. Mostly with the laser cutter since I'm pretty clumsy.

Luk---'s Instructables

Geared Glasses Box

Geared Glasses Box

Mirrorg Lamp

Mirrorg Lamp

Dice Sorter

Dice Sorter

Beech Truss Desk

Beech Truss Desk

Wood Paper Pendant Swirl Lamp

Wood Paper Pendant Swirl Lamp

Motion Detector Lamp

Motion Detector Lamp

20 Sided Lamp

20 Sided Lamp

Secret Box

Secret Box

Drink Holder for Card(board) Gamers

Drink Holder for Card(board) Gamers

Addiator (for Point Counting)

Addiator (for Point Counting)

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