

Provo, UT   Joined January 23rd, 2012
5 Instructables   24,003 Views   9 Comments   16 Followers

I love to do anything involving crafting things. Some of my greatest projects have been in metalworking and woodworking, but I'm always trying new things! I spend a lot of time in the garage, but not much of that includes camera usage =( I'm trying harder every day to document my latest projects!

LosAlfajores's Instructables

Applying Optimal Control Theory to Chutes and Ladders

Applying Optimal Control Theory to Chutes and Ladders

$20 Mecanum Wheels With Rubberized Rollers

$20 Mecanum Wheels With Rubberized Rollers

DIY Bicycle U-Lock

DIY Bicycle U-Lock

6 Shot Arduino Rubber Band Turret (Wii Nunchuck + Arduino)

6 Shot Arduino Rubber Band Turret (Wii Nunchuck + Arduino)

San Diego "Snow" Castles

San Diego "Snow" Castles

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