Jolly Lizard

Jolly Lizard

Slovenia   Joined October 6th, 2023
3 Instructables   1,758 Views   0 Comments   12 Followers

I'm a wife, mother of two, and a crochet enthusiast passionate about sharing my craft. I sell crochet patterns on Etsy, offer video tutorials on YouTube, and am an active member of the Ravelry community. When I'm not crocheting or spending quality time with my family, I enjoy hiking and exploring the mountains.

Jolly Lizard's Instructables

Easy Crochet Blocking Without a Blocking Board

Easy Crochet Blocking Without a Blocking Board

Simplest Chunky Baby Blanket

Simplest Chunky Baby Blanket

Quick and Easy Crochet Pumpkin

Quick and Easy Crochet Pumpkin

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