

0   Joined August 23rd, 2016
13 Instructables   220,133 Views   148 Comments   223 Followers

I work at Middle Tennessee State University as a Professor of Physics and Astronomy and direct the Computational and Data Science Ph.D. Program. I've been a programming nerd, a woodworking geek, an astronomy dork, and an electronics techie for about 40 years.

JohnW539's Instructables

An Upgraded Woodworking Bench

An Upgraded Woodworking Bench

The Equatorial Sundial

The Equatorial Sundial

How to Build a Customized Astrolabe Using a Laser Cutter

How to Build a Customized Astrolabe Using a Laser Cutter

A Laser Guide for CNC Alignment

A Laser Guide for CNC Alignment

Python Word Art

Python Word Art

The LED Dicebox

The LED Dicebox

The Linear Toggle Clamp

The Linear Toggle Clamp

The Sundogger

The Sundogger

The Scribe-bot:  a Machine to Create Scratch Holograms

The Scribe-bot: a Machine to Create Scratch Holograms

The Astronomy Clock

The Astronomy Clock

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