

Coventry, England   Joined June 11th, 2015
9 Instructables   48,827 Views   60 Comments   30 Followers

Hey, in 1968 I wanted to be an Electronic Engineer. I graduated from Middlesex University (Enfield Campus - North London) when it was still a polytechnic in 1997. I came to Coventry forthe work in September 1997, joining GEC Telecommunications as a trainee. I quickly ended up in what would now be called IT(!!) then spent the next 20 years getting back to hardware via embedded software. Leading a major project got me the experience and recognition to achieve Grade 3 Listing with the Engineering …

JohnE12's Instructables

Gold Cake

Gold Cake

Broken Torch to Emergency Phone Charger

Broken Torch to Emergency Phone Charger

Spice Up Uninspiring Leftovers!

Spice Up Uninspiring Leftovers!

Lasagne, My Way

Lasagne, My Way

Yorkshire Puddings - Your Way

Yorkshire Puddings - Your Way

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