

Northern VA   Joined June 24th, 2009
5 Instructables   1,336,154 Views   605 Comments   284 Followers

Javin007's Instructables

Home-Made Ghee (Long-term Butter Storage)

Home-Made Ghee (Long-term Butter Storage)

The No-Weld Double-Barrel Smoker (and How to Use It)

The No-Weld Double-Barrel Smoker (and How to Use It)

How To: Capture Your Memories in Full 3D!

How To: Capture Your Memories in Full 3D!

Covert Altoids Dart Gun

Covert Altoids Dart Gun

Pocket Sized Camp Stove (The Improved

Pocket Sized Camp Stove (The Improved

View all Instructables


500+ Comments

Earned a silver medal

1M+ Views

Earned a silver medal

1+ Featured Instructable

Earned a bronze medal

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Indian Cuisine Contest

Contest Winner

Grand Prize in the Father's Day Contest

Contest Winner

Grand Prize in the BBQ Contest