James Moxham

James Moxham

Adelaide   Joined March 15th, 2008
13 Instructables   300,444 Views   41 Comments   87 Followers

Dr James Moxham is a general medical practitioner in Blackwood, Australia. His interests include general family medicine, medical politics, microcontrollers and tending a rose garden. He lives on a property with his wife, three children, three cats, 6 cows, 8 kangaroos and numerous koalas.

James Moxham's Instructables

Arduino Serial Link Using Ethernet and UDP Packets

Arduino Serial Link Using Ethernet and UDP Packets

A Collection of ANSI Terminals

A Collection of ANSI Terminals

Arduino String Manipulation Using Minimal Ram

Arduino String Manipulation Using Minimal Ram

Charlieplex 30 Led Bargraph

Charlieplex 30 Led Bargraph

Arduino Dual 20x4 Display

Arduino Dual 20x4 Display

Arduino 10 Bit Analog Output

Arduino 10 Bit Analog Output

Arduino Supply With Smart Battery Management

Arduino Supply With Smart Battery Management

Solar Energy Management

Solar Energy Management

Internet of Things

Internet of Things

Simple Mass Storage for Your Microcontroller Project

Simple Mass Storage for Your Microcontroller Project

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