

Point of Rocks, MD   Joined November 15th, 2007
1 Instructables   48,010 Views   30 Comments   12 Followers

I am a jack of all trades and a master of nothing. I throw boomerangs for recreation. Yes, they work. Nothing is more zen than a boomerang that returns to you. I am a Taoist. I've played rock guitar for ...ulp...20 years and recently took up classical style. Original influences were the hair bands of the 80's. Now I'm into practically everything. I have always been extremely into animals and pets. I have been keeping exotic reptiles for as long as I've been able to walk,…

GibbonsRock's Instructable

A Free Range Habitat for Meller's and Other Large Chameleons

A Free Range Habitat for Meller's and Other Large Chameleons

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