

Czech Republic   Joined December 28th, 2013
43 Instructables   407,468 Views   332 Comments   732 Followers

Well I'm not a pro in any way, but I just love to make things of all kinds. I like rock and epic music, good food, norse mythology, biking, hiking, larping and so on... But there's one nemesis - Math. Yet I study mechanical engineering :D

Eldalote's Instructables

Movember Belt Buckle Tuning

Movember Belt Buckle Tuning

Borderlands Style T-shirt

Borderlands Style T-shirt

Viking Hood

Viking Hood

Wooden Mjölnir

Wooden Mjölnir

Medieval Lantern

Medieval Lantern

Lord of the Rings Tobacco Pouch

Lord of the Rings Tobacco Pouch

Calavera Scarf

Calavera Scarf

Boar Tusk Necklace

Boar Tusk Necklace

Simple Leather Bracelet

Simple Leather Bracelet

Dice Wallet/ Key Chain

Dice Wallet/ Key Chain

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