Door County Rustic

Door County Rustic

Door County, Wisconsin   Joined October 26th, 2021
6 Instructables   22,604 Views   7 Comments   29 Followers

I am a retired log home builder now part-time woodworking instructor otherwise inventor, kayak fisher, RV camper, grandpa and whatever...

Door County Rustic's Instructables

Fabricate a Mortise & Tenon Template on a CNC Router

Fabricate a Mortise & Tenon Template on a CNC Router

Multi-Clamp Glue-Up Jig for Fabricating DIY Wood Beams AKA a "MikroBeamer"

Multi-Clamp Glue-Up Jig for Fabricating DIY Wood Beams AKA a "MikroBeamer"

Build a MikroVice - Portable, Multi-Functional, DIY Woodworking Vice

Build a MikroVice - Portable, Multi-Functional, DIY Woodworking Vice

Rustic Sofa Server Table From Old Growth, Reclaimed and Sinker Cypress

Rustic Sofa Server Table From Old Growth, Reclaimed and Sinker Cypress

Prototyping Post and Rail Methods to Build Beds, Raised Gardens and Shelters

Prototyping Post and Rail Methods to Build Beds, Raised Gardens and Shelters

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