Don Juan De Pyro

Don Juan De Pyro

0   Joined January 19th, 2010
3 Instructables   113,297 Views   32 Comments   142 Followers

Don Juan De Pyro's Instructables

3d Printed Endgame Arc Reactor (Movie Accurate and Wearable)

3d Printed Endgame Arc Reactor (Movie Accurate and Wearable)

Pocket-sized Multicolored Flamethrowers and Sorcerer Staff

Pocket-sized Multicolored Flamethrowers and Sorcerer Staff

Build Your Own Ghost Meter/Bogus Detector of Things

Build Your Own Ghost Meter/Bogus Detector of Things

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10K+ Views

Earned a bronze medal

1+ Featured Instructable

Earned a bronze medal

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Halloween Props Contest