

Philadelphia, PA   Joined June 2nd, 2009
11 Instructables   536,679 Views   118 Comments   291 Followers

Question: Who is this D10D3 guy, and what is his deal? Answer: I'm a Maker, a hardware and software hacker, an artist, and general dreamer. I have an insatiable need to build things and modify them. I'm a lover of science fiction, fantasy, cyberpunk, comic books, computers and roleplaying games. In short, I'm a geek and a jack of all trades.

D10D3's Instructables

Custom Clip-on Sunglasses With Sugru

Custom Clip-on Sunglasses With Sugru

DIY Data Glove V2

DIY Data Glove V2

Lunch Box Computer With Raspberry Pi

Lunch Box Computer With Raspberry Pi

Light Saber From Plumbing

Light Saber From Plumbing

DIY Data Glove

DIY Data Glove

Tiny Seance Kit in a Mint Tin

Tiny Seance Kit in a Mint Tin

Klokwerx - a Six Legged Clockwork/lego Automaton

Klokwerx - a Six Legged Clockwork/lego Automaton

Make a Real Feather Writing Quill

Make a Real Feather Writing Quill

The Biscuit Box

The Biscuit Box

Project C=BOARD

Project C=BOARD

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