

USA   Joined August 1st, 2020
4 Instructables   4,789 Views   25 Comments   10 Followers

Hi! Thanks for stopping by! My name is Hope and I am here to make unique crafts and gifts with “normal” materials, easy-to-follow tutorials, and plenty of room for personal experimentation. I love Jesus and my family more than anything else in the world. I love color and imagination and am thankful that God has blessed me with the ability and time to be creative and try new hobbies and pursue different crafts. I will try any kind of craft I can lay my hands on. In addition to my passion for cra…

CraftythingsByHope's Instructables

The Green One - a Lavender Sachet

The Green One - a Lavender Sachet

Upcycled Macrame Planters

Upcycled Macrame Planters

Moving Labyrinth Puzzle

Moving Labyrinth Puzzle

Rainbow Nail Polish Paper Experiment and Craft

Rainbow Nail Polish Paper Experiment and Craft

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