

Southwest USA   Joined September 6th, 2016
4 Instructables   8,974 Views   8 Comments   40 Followers

I design products, build working prototypes, and customize equipment. I get out to the schools (via CommunityShare) and teach digital manufacturing tools. I especially like designing for permaculture, culturing systems, regenerative tech. Co-founded a 12,000 sqft community makerspace. #preciousplastics #biomakers #biocrafters #giy

Biocrafters's Instructables

Growing Mycelium in the Classroom and Making Stuff With It - Biofabrication

Growing Mycelium in the Classroom and Making Stuff With It - Biofabrication

Mycelium Skulls for Día De Los Muertos / Day of the Dead

Mycelium Skulls for Día De Los Muertos / Day of the Dead

Growing a Leather-like Biomaterial in the Classroom From Kombucha

Growing a Leather-like Biomaterial in the Classroom From Kombucha

Growing Spirulina in the Classroom

Growing Spirulina in the Classroom

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