BadJer Maker

BadJer Maker

Green Bay   Joined June 14th, 2009
49 Instructables   476,841 Views   329 Comments   334 Followers

I am a maker, DIY'er, Dad, Engineer, and all around life Long Learner. My mission is to try new things, attempt to do more by learning from others and share my experiences with others for enjoyable experiences!

BadJer Maker's Instructables

Alien Chestburster That MOVES!

Alien Chestburster That MOVES!

2001 a Space Odyssey Clavius Suit

2001 a Space Odyssey Clavius Suit

Bossk's Hounds Tooth Ship (Star Wars)

Bossk's Hounds Tooth Ship (Star Wars)

Mandalorian Costume (Female) With Active Reticle!

Mandalorian Costume (Female) With Active Reticle!

Daft Punk LIVES ON! My Guy Manuel Helmet

Daft Punk LIVES ON! My Guy Manuel Helmet

Wonky Log Cabin Quilt

Wonky Log Cabin Quilt

Star Wars Droid Build

Star Wars Droid Build

Door County Cherry Cream Cheese Pecan Cookies

Door County Cherry Cream Cheese Pecan Cookies



2001 - a Space Odyssey Aries 1B  - Scratch Build

2001 - a Space Odyssey Aries 1B - Scratch Build

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