Arpan Mondal

Arpan Mondal

India   Joined March 6th, 2018
33 Instructables   137,336 Views   84 Comments   147 Followers

Hello. My name's Arpan. At present, I'm an Aerospace engineering student. I love painting and making stuff.

Arpan Mondal's Instructables

ISS Globe- Blinks When the ISS Passes Overhead

ISS Globe- Blinks When the ISS Passes Overhead

Iron Man's Arc Reactor That Pulses With Your Heart Beat

Iron Man's Arc Reactor That Pulses With Your Heart Beat

A Great Sounding Bluetooth Speaker Build | Upcycled!

A Great Sounding Bluetooth Speaker Build | Upcycled!

Miniature Aircraft Sculpting From PVC Board

Miniature Aircraft Sculpting From PVC Board

Bark 1.0 - Makes Dog Barking Sounds When There Is Motion in Front of the Door

Bark 1.0 - Makes Dog Barking Sounds When There Is Motion in Front of the Door

Baymax Lamp - Helps You Take Medications on Time

Baymax Lamp - Helps You Take Medications on Time

Chameleon Artwork That Changes Color With the Weather

Chameleon Artwork That Changes Color With the Weather

Guard Bulb - Protects Your House When You Are Away

Guard Bulb - Protects Your House When You Are Away

Smart Bedside Mat - Stand on It to Stop the Alarm!

Smart Bedside Mat - Stand on It to Stop the Alarm!

BatSignal - Lights Up If You Have Missed Calls or Messages

BatSignal - Lights Up If You Have Missed Calls or Messages

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