

Canada   Joined September 19th, 2007
12 Instructables   1,937,717 Views   966 Comments   174 Followers

One of my favorite hobbies is dismantling electronics, then either combining them together to create something new, or adding components to make them better. I also like gadgets, whether it's taking them apart, making them, or just using them! I also enjoy computers, whether it's hardware, software, programming, or finding better cooling solutions. I program in, AutoIt, C++, C#, J#, and Java. I've also twiddled around with Perl (very light twiddling).

Arbitror's Instructables

Voltage Horizon

Voltage Horizon

My Aquarium

My Aquarium

Ocean Storm Oil Painting

Ocean Storm Oil Painting

"Hacked" Laptop Mod

"Hacked" Laptop Mod

Heat Shrink USB Mod

Heat Shrink USB Mod

How to Disassemble a Computer

How to Disassemble a Computer

Jello Lemon Wedges!

Jello Lemon Wedges!

Conditional Execution in Batch

Conditional Execution in Batch



Create an Alarm in Batch

Create an Alarm in Batch

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