

California   Joined June 5th, 2008
33 Instructables   3,073,036 Views   535 Comments   1,932 Followers

My name is DJ and I previously made electronic whatsits, 3D-printed thingamabobs, and laser-cut kajiggers for the Instructables Design Studio; now I build and repair puzzles for Particle Industries.

Aleator777's Instructables

MiniSub ROV

MiniSub ROV

Basics of Thermal Imaging

Basics of Thermal Imaging

Miniature Autonomous Blimp

Miniature Autonomous Blimp

Autonomous Sentry Turret

Autonomous Sentry Turret

Communicator Watch

Communicator Watch

Personal Space Defense System

Personal Space Defense System

Environmental Alert System

Environmental Alert System

Morning Routine Machine

Morning Routine Machine

Pa-Drink-O: the Pachinko Bar Bot

Pa-Drink-O: the Pachinko Bar Bot

Intro to Robotics

Intro to Robotics

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