

0   Joined April 15th, 2018
4 Instructables   10,140 Views   9 Comments   7 Followers

I am a chemist interested in applying microcontrollers and sensors to the measurement of chemical and physical properties (e.g. cryoscopy, differential thermometry, sound speed, among others).

AlbertoVillalobos's Instructables

Measuring Freezing Point Decrease of Water Solutions As a Way to Determine the Molecular Mass of the Solute

Measuring Freezing Point Decrease of Water Solutions As a Way to Determine the Molecular Mass of the Solute

Differential Thermal Analysis Using Arduino and PhyPhox

Differential Thermal Analysis Using Arduino and PhyPhox

Measuring the Boiling Point of Liquefied Gases Using Arduino and PhyPhox

Measuring the Boiling Point of Liquefied Gases Using Arduino and PhyPhox

Measuring Refrigerant Gases Sound Speed Using Arduino and App Inventor 2

Measuring Refrigerant Gases Sound Speed Using Arduino and App Inventor 2

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