

Malaysia   Joined February 1st, 2013
16 Instructables   82,821 Views   20 Comments   87 Followers

I'm a career woman and a mom for 2 boys. Now we are creating our edible garden and try to avoid outside food. So we will plant our own vegetables and cook the nice food :)

Aiesas's Instructables

Japanese Sweet Potato Chips

Japanese Sweet Potato Chips

Fish Fritters

Fish Fritters

Egg Wrap Mince Meat and Vege

Egg Wrap Mince Meat and Vege

Button Necklace and Bracelet

Button Necklace and Bracelet

3 Ingredients Balm

3 Ingredients Balm

Fried Ice Cream

Fried Ice Cream

Palm Oil Kernel Ring

Palm Oil Kernel Ring

Wild Fruit Bullet Gun

Wild Fruit Bullet Gun

Easy Pizza Crust

Easy Pizza Crust

Fried Pumpkin

Fried Pumpkin

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